Sleep Cues: The Everything Parenting Podcast
Tired mama? I’m here to help - I’m Erin Junker, pediatric sleep consultant and owner of The Happy Sleep Company. With a Masters Degree in Health Communications, experience helping more than 1000 families gain healthy rest for their children and eight years raising my own happy little sleeper I’m in this with you!I am passionate about children's sleep, I firmly believe that a well rested family is a happier healthier family. In each episode of this podcast, we'll guide you through some of the biggest challenges we see parents facing when it comes to their babies and older children's sleep. And share effective tools, tips, advice and strategies for getting sleep on track. Let’s get your family some great sleep!
Sleep Cues: The Everything Parenting Podcast
Setting Boundaries with In-Laws: an interview with Dr. Tracy Dalgleish
[REPLAY] of our interview with Dr. Tracy Dalgleish all about boundaries — and specifically setting boundaries with in-laws!
Dr. Tracy is a Clinical Psychologist, Mom of 2, Wife and Creator of Be Connected. Helping women go from disconnected and overwhelmed in their relationships to being able to share their feelings and needs. To work through hard moments and family challenges side-by-side, and be able to say to each other "we got this!"
FOLLOW @drtracyd
VISIT www.drtracyd.com
Erin Junker | Paediatric Sleep Consultant
Instagram @thehappysleepcompany
Website www.thehappysleepcompany.com